No, I do want to know about it! Even though the journal is for everyone, it makes me feel nice to know that you're willing to share it, even though I wouldn't share it with my grandpa's either, even though mine are dead. It's great that you can easily come to terms with who you are, because so many other people deny themselves and it causes problems later on in life. It's sad to say, but you seem like you will be more free when college rolls around. I suppose now, you just have to cherish the fact that Friday likes you back. I'm not gonna support going all wild, because it sound's like your dad would kill you and then roast you over a fire in an example, but if she or you confess to one of the other, then stay together or whatever it takes behind the backs of others. Your community sounds like a sucky one, one which I am glad I don't live in. My school is just starting to come to terms that diversity is all around, and my city is about medium, so something like that wouldn't really bother everyone.

I just thought about how I hate people stereotype others. I have a female friend (lets call her bobbert, because I have a sick sense of humor) and just because Bobbert had lots of male buddy buds and was practically a pimp with all the girls, everyone thought she was a lesbian. It peaved her off becuase some people were very rude to her because of that, she she didn't like having people being mean to her just because she no guy in our school that she had met was worth being a boyfriend.

What I hope, is that no one will be cruel to you. Unfortunatly, by the sound of where you live, it will be worse then that. I hope those freakrapers and creepos either get a slap of reality, or live in their own world of fake realties and not disturb anyone else.

Now that I'm done rambling unreadable rambles, I just want to say overall that I'm happy for you, and a bit worried at everyone in your life. This is going to sound weird and cheesy, but if you can't come to anyone else, and feel comfortable coming to me to talk about something, then I'll be more then willing to listen or whatever....yeah. *slides out of room*

OH YES!!! About what you said about never judging a book by its cover. I agree, I've learned so many times that as humans we must never do that. I always try my best to get to know people, and maybe that's why I'm willing to talk and listen to anyone who comes my way over the internet, no matter how good they are at English, or how trivial their problems seem, or even how different they seem as a person. I've just learned that I will find friends in the oddest of places.