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Do not read a Fairy's journal!!! Especially Fuzzy's!

That's mean! This is private. Stay out.
One of the very Best of Songs

Shadows all around you
as you surface from the dark
Emerging from the gentle grip
of night's unfolding arms
Darkness, darkness everywhere
do you feel all alone?
The subtle grace of gravity
the heavy weight of stone

You don't see what you possess
a beauty calm and clear
It floods the sky
and blurs the darkness
like a chandelier
All the light that you possess
is skewed by lakes and seas
The shattered surface, so imperfect
is all that you believe

I will bring a mirror
so silver, so exact
So precise and so pristine
a perfect pane of glass
I will set the mirror up
to face the blackened sky
You will see your beauty
every moment that you rise

These lyrics remind me of the beauty, perfection, flaw, darkness, light,

etc...of a vampire.

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[Item Information]

Item List:
Bape Cow
Ancient Katana
Gift of the Goddess
Elegant Veil
Fuzzy Penguin Slippers
Demonic Anklets
Fresh Grass Skirt
#FFFFFF Complex Shirt
Fancy Pink Ribbon
Bouncy Antennae
Ballerinas Circlet