My dearest friend Welcome to the Grave has inspired me to make an about me journal entry...just so you can know about the TRUE Mrs. Lovett...well, the TRULY tributed Mrs. Lovett...ME!
Name: My name? Oh. It's Sarah but like everyone calls me Myranda or Miranda, so yeah, call me that. There are too many Sarahs out there in the world... o:
Age: I am 13, live with it, you old savages xp
Things I like love: Johnny Depp, Johnny Depp, Johnny Depp, umm...Johnny Depp, the colour purple, Helena Bonham Carter, everyone in Sweeney Todd, music, art, all Tim Burton movies and Tim Burton himself, Stevie Nicks (yeah, I'm cool like that), dry erase markers, my friends, Johnny Depp, cheddar cheese, Hot Pokets, Hot Topic xd , the colour black, Johnny Depp, chickens, the colour red, and other things.
Things I dislike hate: Zac Efron, High School Musical, most Disney Channel related things, the colour brown, Phillip, Naruto, most of the boys in my class, Morgan(a), people who hate the colour purple, red or black, Judge Turpin XP, Bob Sponge (haha), hackers (basically the same thing), Johnny Depp's wife...he should be mine, humanity, war, vengence (its only hot when Johnny Depp has it), French pedicures (what a waste of time and money), preps (even if I am one most of them time ^^), stalker songs (like Johanna xd ), people who think that the colour pink has an attitude, and plenty of other things.
Location Hawaii, baby!! ...no seriously. Jealous? o:
Besties Emi (bffi!!), Lauren (i luff youz!!! *hugofdoom*), Alex (my fellow purple princess ^^) Anthony (you little betrayer, you! How dare you watch Naruto!!), Katie (my fellow dog ;D Lucky her, next to her lover, COUGH), Meghan (my secret handshake buddy!!), Courtney (my basic e-pal! XD) and plenty of other people. I LOVE YOU ALL!!
Hobbies I love to draw, colour, do people's makeup, do my own makeup (preferably dead looking), talking and texting on my phone, talking on AIM, MSN, and Yahoo! biggrin , singing, acting, roleplaying, claiming characters, making up inside jokes with my friends, doing my nails (only in black, blood red, or French), spending too much money on stuff at Hot Topic that are overly priced, making websites and webdesigns, eating, swimming, printing stuff ^^, listening to Sweeney Todd for 24 hours straight, fighting with my brother over who can be Sweeney Todd, giving people a shave o:, pretending giant muffins are meat pies, JD Rape (haha), and other stuff. I basically do everything :p
Goals of 2008 In 2008, I would like to complete my ST Plushie project, get into the high schools I want to, do better in school...WAY better, see Sweeney Todd again...and again, get Sweeney Todd on Blu-ray, and um...world peace?
Well, I hope you enjoyed my little biography and such. If you want any more information about me, PM a question and I'll answer it in my journal...unless you are a stalker... o.O
Constanze Mozart · Sun Jan 06, 2008 @ 10:58pm · 1 Comments |