School started to-day...it was BORING. I totally forgot about some classes. Like, when I was on my way to Religion, I brought my Sweeney Todd bag...so I was hiding it from my teaher o: No one else said anything. For Pete's (no idea who that is) sake, it must be 8th grade priority or something, because the teachers are letting SO many things slide... my bag, the girls that coloured their hair red, and other stuff that isn't allowed, as said by our retarded handbook. My school is still sture sweatdrop
One of my besties, Alexandra (actually Alex, I now call 'er Alexandra), brought back presents from Tokyo for me, and my two other friends. She is so nice, that girl!! I got a cute lil' Japanese person-thing made out of wood and shaped like a lil' egg. It's so cute!! She also got us each a colouring book and stickers (I looove stickers). Always giving...now I feel bad and need to get her something o__o
Can you believe the teachers assigned homework on the first day back? What up wit' that?? Some people were suprised that I saw Sweeney Todd...I don't know why though. I guess they think I am a goody-goody >_< Some people asked me if it was good...I went crazy after that. My unhealthy obsession with this movie shows at school. For a journal topic, we were asked "What was the best thing that happend to you over Christmas Break?". Naturally, I answered with a "I saw Sweeney Todd" kind of answer. It indeed was the best thing to happen to me over the break. Possibley even my life o___o Nah, not my life. It's up on that top 100 list though...if that many good things have happend to me.
My ex-friend Phillip hates me all over this stupid prank call that I didn't even do. Trust me, this isn't the first time he has accused me of prank calling him. All day, all that I heard was "I hate you." It got rather annoying...after the first one o: Apparently, he is sad because of his dog that died or something like that U_U. That's no reason to blame it on me, you stupid 6th grader! Grow a brain! Or a heart! (hehe...wait a second, thats from The Suite Life...) Anyways, it is probably boring for me to rant on about this evil freak of nature, but it was kind of fun to-day. My friends and I formed a league called "DWP", or, "Down with Phillip". Yeah, it's mean. I really don't care. It's not like we are ACTUALLY going to kill or hurt him in any way. Psycologist people have always said to write your feelings on paper, and that's what I did. We gather together every other day at recess (I will miss you, recess...) and write down stuff. Like for example, "WTK" or "Ways to Kill'. If we ACTUALLY wrote "Ways to Kill" we would be expelled. And plus, we aren't even REALLY going to do these things. It's just to let our rage out without hurting feelings...even if those feelings deserve to be hurt >_<
DWP meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We just talk about what we think. For to-day's WTK, I suggested to "give him a shave". That should be interesting. Also, there was put him in Mrs. Lovett's pies and add him to a blender, and other terrible things. It was pretty entertaining to tell the truth. Now everytime I see his face, I will sing "Epiphany" quietly to myself, emphasis on the "they all deserve to die" portion of the song, of course.
A while back, before Christmas break, we had to take a test on Vocabulary questions. The vocab was words from the book we read in class, A Christmas Carol. There were 95 words that we had to write out definitions for. We were allowed to use our notes for the quiz, which was an advantage. The only problem was, no one execpt for about three people finished the test. I only finished the first two pages out of three, and I only got minus five on those pages. Forgetting the back page costed me 28 points. If she had given us another day to complete the test, I would have a higher score. So instead of the well deserved A or B, I got a 67% which in our schools jank grading system, is an F. Then she started saying how she was happy with my grade and whatnot. Hello, lady! That's an F right there. The worst part is, she said that this test is worth 300 points of my grade. There goes my future, right down the toilet!!
All day at school I was talking about JD Rape but everyone thought I was a freak...crazy even. I talked with people about how the song "Johanna" was a stalker song, how hackers on Gaia suck, and other things that no one understood (I wonder why wink )
Well, I better get to my homework...yes...homework on the first day back...*sigh*. See ya later, loves.
heart TWPIL [Mrs. Lovett // S/M]
Constanze Mozart · Tue Jan 08, 2008 @ 03:17am · 1 Comments |