Who needs any other OTP when you have these two? ...Seriously. D;
[x] I'm cute. Don't deny it.
I know it's a nose but why do I have it? Piss you off... Yes dear, I do believe pirates are better than ninjas. Why? Because Pirates of The Caribbean totally PWNS Naruto ANY DAY. >D
http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/1648/roytg2.jpg http://i17.tinypic.com/6kzvcih.png
taisamustang29 Kaye Real: Kate makes me :[ Kaye Real: And then Kate makes me :] Kaye Real: And then she makes me >///////<
Aieee. Why are black haired and blonde haired people so pairable? KyouyaxTamaki, RoyxEd, YuurixWolfram, RoyxRiza... LxMello? o_O
Chibiplz · Sun Jan 20, 2008 @ 02:17pm · 0 Comments |