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View User's Journal

~Keep on Wishin'~
~*Hiya! Welcome to my journal! Read all ya can cuz it won't last long!*~
Hey! For a chunk of my life, otherwise known as three days, I have been miserably sick. I'm not even sure what kind of sick, all I know is that I can't stop coughing, and I have an enormous grudge against phlegm now. sad That stuff was disgusting enough already, but haven't you noticed how it always turns up when you're ill just to rub it in your face? stressed And I've missed school on Thursday, so I have a lot of homework to make up in math, the only subject to ever give me B(DIE, SUBJECT, DIE! TAKE MY PLACE IN THE CEMETERY!). Ok, maybe I did exaggerate. About math, not my condition. I'm not one to lie for attention. Lie, yes, but for protection against long lectures, mostly, not attention. Well anyway, wish me luck recovering. Oh, and this really weird thing happened on the first day my illness came: every time I'd look at something, my eyes felt like they'd been set on fire! I think this icon would be more appropriate than I can possibly say: burning_eyes I swear! But anyway, thanks for reading! Bye!
