That is just stupid.
Honestly, many Kagome fans are the childish newcommers who aren't mature or smart enough to look past the exterior and understand the pain and saddness behind Kikyou's character. Everyone hates her because she is in teh way of InuKag...well Kagome is also in the way of InuKik. They hate her because she is dead...ummm well Kagome is running around in a time before she is born. They hate her because she doesn't stay with Inuyasha like Kagome...well unlike Kagome, Kikyou intends to kill Naraku and due to the curse she has, Kikyou can't afford to be blinded by love.
She showed her love for Inuyasha several times...and many times secretly without him knowing. (Like when she threatened to kill Tsubaki if she hurt Inuyasha.) Kagome is the one being immature. SO GUESS WHAT KAGOME HATERS, YOUR BIGGEST INSULTS ON KIKYOU HAS SIMPLE ANSWERS THAT WERE PROVED EVEN IN THE SERIES! Gosh! Kikyou haters make me mad. It is one think to like a character, but bashing on one is stupid. (I am guilty to ahve bashed before, but I don't do it now...and I am waiting for some spare time so I can adjust our guild.) I am not anti- anti-Kagome people/ and or anti- pro-Kagome people, but bashing Kikyou is where they cross teh line! People like Kagome's happy and preppy attitude over Kikyou's serious and sad one, but who can actually eb happy after suffering what Kikyou did? GOSH! If only Kagome lovers and Kikyou haters can see what Kikyou lovers see in Kikyou...then all this arguing and anger toward the different groups of lovers and haters can cease.