Am I sweet?-yes^^ very 4laugh
Am I crazy?- hmm... not really but sometimes kukukukukuku!! xDD
Am I lovable?-YES!! *hugz*
Am I funny?-uhm.... NOO!!! jk! YEAH!!!
Am I ugly?-NOO!!! D<
Am I an a$$hole?-who? you? impossible!!!
Am I hot?-YESH!!
Am I psycho?- well... *no commentar!* hehe^^ noo!!
Am I annoying?- NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am I a good person?-yesh =^_^=
Am I a bad person?- oooooh yeeaaah!! twisted

2)******Would You******
Hug me?- everytime!!! *hugz*
Kiss me?- hmmm... yesh! why not? xDD
Love me?- yeah!!
Miss me if i was gone?- yesh crying
Listen to my problems?-everytime...
Hug me if i cried?- of course!
Be a good friend?- yesh!!...

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be...?- hmm... lol not really i like your really name too^^ DeeDee xDD
Change anything about me?- nooooo....hmmm...HELL NOO!!
Do one thing with me it would be...?- hehehehehehe... twisted
Drop me one piece of advice it would be...?- hmm... w00t? you are so how you are... thats all...

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do you like/love about me?- hmm..... there are too many things!...
What do you hate about me?- huuuuh? nothing!!!
What is my best quality?- you are funny....


1. Who are you?- uhm... a boy? xDDD your friend? xDDD uhm... me? xDDD
2. Do you have a crush on me?- dunno wink
3. How old are you?- 16 xDD
4. Are we good friends?- huuuh? arenĀ“t we? i think we are very good friends!^^
5. Do we know each other in real life?- nope... crying
6. Are you hot?- uhm... well u can look at my photo....
7. Is my avatar hot?- sometimes... but sometimes its cuuute!^^
8. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?- lol xDDD xd xd xd xd xd