As you know, I have opened my store for Gaia, which has been quite successful! I sell items in minutes after putting them up for sale. It is very nice for me. I get rid of stuff I don't want and get some gold to spend. For some reason, in my inventory, I had Spartan Sandles. I had no idea where they came from and I didn't need them, so I decided to put them up for sale in my shoppe. It turns out, they were worth well over 7,000 gold! I was so happy! I put them up for sale right away, and they sold pretty quickly. I had over 7,000 gold and went on a shopping spree! XD Then once I was done, I only had 2,000 left -.-
I made a new goal for myself, "Always have over 1,000 gold with you" That way, I will save money. If I spend money and not have four digits, I'm in trouble o.o
Today is my brother's birthday. Since he is spending the day with his friends, we had him open a present last night and it was... a Wii. We were quite confused since we already have a Wii XD But it was for his college dorm, because we graduate the same year...he goes to college, I go to high school. Anyways, so that was pretty cool. But the first thing I said was, "So does that mean you are taking 'Brawl' with you to college?" He was. I asked my dad to get me another one XD
Well, my mom is sick so I don't know how I'm getting my brother a present today... -.-
Also, check out my website I've had it for about two years I think, and never told you about it. Weird o.o
heart Myranda
Constanze Mozart · Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 11:12pm · 0 Comments |