Asylum Guild RP Character Sheet |
Character Sheet
Username:Blue Eyed Wallflower
Name:Miss Icia (she has never revealed her true name. that is what was given to her by a fortune teller in a dream)
Profession (If any):None. She is too afraid of rejection and growing up to really apply for one.
History:Her mom was a trapeze artist in her younger days and fell in love with a magician's assistant who would often come see the show. Every night he was the first one in the tent, waiting to see her perform her gravity defying stunts. He would be on the edge of his seat while she tumbled through the air, biting his nails or peanuts if he could afford them. When she finally finished finished her feats, he would let out a sigh of relief and stand up, and clap louder than anyone had ever clapped for any trapeze artist ever. One night after she had done a particularly amazing stunt, the assistant just had to speak with her! It had taken him 3 months, but he did it. His name was Jack and her mom was Jill. They began to see one another and quickly spiralled down into love. The only problem was that it was a secret affair, because Jill was married to the magician and owner of the circus, Fausto. Fausto was mean and abusive, and she had never really been in love with him. Jill wanted to run away with Jack, but Fausto caught wind of the plan. Jill was his little porcelain doll and she was never going to leave him. On their last night together, Jack and Jill slept together. Afterward, they fell asleep in eachother's arms. While they slept, Fausto found where they had gone and howled at them. They awoke and saw him standing there, tried to run away, but it was no use. Fausto had frozen them to the spot. He cast a spell on Jack to send him far away and erase his memory of Jill. He then turned to Jill and told her as long as he was alive, she would always be his porcelain doll. He then cast a spell upon her as well. When Fausto was gone or asleep, Jill would become a porcelain doll. She was miserable until she realized she was going to have a child. Fausto was arrogant and didn't think twice about the child not being his, but Jill knew it was Jack's. When her daughter was born, she had his eyes. His deep, melancholy, soul-searching blue eyes. Trouble was, Fausto's porcelain doll spell had been transfered over to the child as well. She too was doomed to the life her mother led. The girl was raised on performing in the circus and learning the art of magic. Though Jill was thrilled to have her daughter, life without Jack and the spell began to break her heart and her spirit. She became ill and fell into a sort of magical sleep when the girl was just 15. No one quite knew how it happened, but some said Jill had a certain magic of her own. This left the little girl to her own devices, under the iron hand of her 'father' Fausto. However, just before slipping into the comatose state, Jill told Fausto who her daughter's real father was. Fausto was angry. He had been betrayed and would now have no one to carry on his name and profession. He came at the little girl one night in a fit of rage, and lust. He forced himself upon her. "I always thought you were a pretty little girl," he said as he undid his belt. "Now, we can have more just like you." The girl began kicking and screaming. She pushed him against the wall of her room and ran for the exit. He intercepted and grabbed her, slamming her down hard on the bed. He had her pinned, and she could feel the bruises already starting to form. He removed his belt completely, but she wasn't done fighting. She kicked him right between the legs, over and over. His face became red and he fell off her, motionless on the bed. She lay there breathing heavy, felling pain all over her body and in her heart. She looked over at Fausto, expecting for him to strangle her, but he wasn't moving. She felt for a pulse and there was none. Even magicians are no match for a heart attack. The girl remembered that Fausto said the as long as he was alive, they would never leave him. Fausto was now dead. She rose from the bed and packed together the things she needed to take with her. She took her stuffed rabbit (The rabbit had been given to her by Pirio. He was one of the clowns who had taught her to juggle. He always told her the rabbit would watch over her and to take care of him.), her messenger bag, her sketch book, and her glowing pendant. And just before the girl left the circus for good, she quietly slipped into Fausto's room and stole his magic bottle. As she got further and further away from the circus, she began to feel more numb. She no longer wanted to be there, but she felt guilty and terrible for leaving her mother alone there. But, the girl knew she needed to live for herself now. When the girl got to the nearest town, she was utterly lost. She had no money or any idea what she would do next with her life. The girls climbed up a tree in the park and slept there the first night, but found she ached worse than she had yesterday and had shooting pangs of hunger. She came down from the tree and walked back toward the main part of town. There was an open-air market selling all sorts of meat, clothes, and fruits. The girl's mouth began to water. Without really thinking, she grabbed a plastic container of strawberry from the closest vendor and ran for the hills. The woman vendor yelled "Thief!" and soon the cops were after her. She ran toward a cemetery (Pirio had once told her the spirits of the dead were always listening and would help those caught in a pickle if they just ran over their graves). The girl hopped over some rocks and hurled open the gate. She jumped right on top of the nearest grave and then, like skipping over rocks in a pond, she leaped to the next one. The spirits rose from below the surface and conjured a big cloud of fog over the cemetery. One of the cops was caught up in a ring of smoke and fog, but the other managed to escape. The girls turned suddenly and came nearly face to face with the cop. She stumbled and fell backward over a tombstone, landing in an open grave. She was cornered. At the station the police shot all sorts of questions at her. She told them she was an orphan from out of town and was sorry for taking the strawberries. The police saw the bruises and dirt covering her, and the deep blue eyes and felt sorry for the girl. Rather than booking her, they decided to send her away to The Silent Hills Asylum for Victorian Girls.
Personality:Miss Icia is quiet and standoffish. She has a hard time trusting people because of her past and childhood. She finds it easier to befriend real animals, stuffed animals, and little children than adults and kids her own age. She worries about everything incessantly, but never lets on that something is wrong. She is introverted to a fault. If someone does happen to enter her life she is loyal to him/her and will do whatever she needs to do to keep them safe and happy. She can be a pushover at times because of this desire to please the people she cares about. She is smart and creative but does not act like it, or even believe it is true.
Dreams:Her dreams have always been the same. Clowns, carnivals, laughter, playgrounds. Her dreams always involve these things that should bring joy and symbolize innocence but mean the complete opposite in her life. The dream that occurs most often does vary slightly. It seems more like a vision. An old fortune teller comes into her dreams and tells her things. She always remembers these after waking. As for goals, she just wants to be happy at the least and find someone to finally love her at the most.
Fears:She has an all-consuming fear of death, being alone, and rejection. She is also claustrophobic.
Race:Human (but she is a magician by trade)
Appearance: Porcelain Doll: Her personal style: It sually consists of the any shade of blue, white, and silver. She wears these colors exclusively because they remind her of water, the element she most closely identifies with. She almost always wear tights and ballet slippers. Miss Icia loves anything ornate or sparkly that she can use to adorn her hair. She sort of seems like a nymph of some kind. Having grown up in a circus, her outfits are naturally very dramatic and stylized.
Harlequin Jill · Sun Mar 30, 2008 @ 04:04am · 0 Comments |