Ha ha.... Last week i was looking at L'Arc stuff....Which is nothing new. :XP: I found this "Music Fighter" thing on teh net and asked dad to buy it for me after i cut the grass. Strangely, he purchased it without even bothering to ask what it was.... After i told him teh beautiful person was Hyde i dont think he really wanted to hear anymore. XD Well anyway...It came in today. && HOMMFGLARUKUISTEHFRIGGINAWESOMESTJROCKBANDINTHEWORLDTHEYRULEMYLIFE!!! ;0; *Coughs* Neways... && They preformed a song called "As One." It was pretty cool... Lotta english lyrics.(It's a good thing Hyde's english isn't as poor as Gakuto's XP) That's about the most english you get on the disk. rolleyes I couldn't understand most of what anyone said, and my buddy, "le subtilies~" weren't there to help. ;; But yeah....for the short time they were one, L'Arc rocked my world (As usual) From what i could tell...: Hyde: was rather quiet until they preformed...he also said a few things here and there. && XD He said something they *bleeped* out at the end. heart Tetsu: also rather quiet and said a few things here and there. && But looked adorable as usual~ &3 Ken: was probably making naughty jokes judging by the looks on his face, how much he was laughing, and how much everyone was laughing with him. XD Yukihiro: ( ;O; I &3 you Yuki! ) Ha ha ha...suprisingly to me, Yuki-kun did more talking then anyone. XD They were talking about a PS2 video game or something, then Yuki struck a pose that the host apparently liked. blaugh -Keep in mind i was squeeling the whole time they were on~- Oh yeah, They also showed a clip of P'UNK~en~Ciel's "Round and Round" performance ( Hyde and teh sexeh eye patch!!!!!!!! heart *Dies* ) because Aoki was there. XD And they advertized Laruku's AWAKE album (Which i MUST have. Buy it for me d***it. domokun ) while playing a clip of "New World." Of course there were other music artists shown (Like this group called "Rather Unique"....they were RAPPING ...OMG...hillarious...sickly hillarious) but the only reason i bought the disk was because L'Arc was on it. mrgreen Yes...I've typed too much. I will say no more. ninja
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pictures^^

(<- XD Le rappers.)
Sakuma-sama · Thu Aug 04, 2005 @ 02:19am · 8 Comments |