Morton Likes His DORITO'S! >;o I ended up going to May Day yesterday. I had a handkerchief to cover my face so I didn't infect any of my classmates, which I am sure that I did anyways. It seemed to go by pretty fast. The court went up (and Morgana JUST SO HAPPENED to be the same island as my brother was four years ago! The twit.), and then the hula troop performed. My bestie Alex is in hula, so naturally, I watched her every move so I could make fun of her for it later. JUST KIDDING! XD She didreally well. Cept for when she threw her poi ball across the court yard while still dancing and couldn't find it later. That was rather entertaining.
Next up, preschoolers performed, then kindergarten, first grade, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth (which my parents thought was really cute), seventh, and then us. Everyone else had really good songs and dances, and ours was slow and boring. I HATE slow hula. I don't mind it if it's faster, but this was a snail of a song -_-
After May Day, we picked up baby Nicholas and went home. I played with him for a while and then watched TV and ate food. Later, I ended up taking a shower for about an hour and a half, and watched Entertainment Tonight, where they talked about Miley Cyrus' porn picture XD. That skank.
Anyhoo, after that I tried to take a nap, but I couldn't. I was coughing too much. I am supposed to paint walls in my neighbourhood today, but I don't know if I can with my coughing and noseblowing and such...
Meanwhile, I still have to write a report on Johnny Depp, which isn't much of a punishment wink
heart Myranda
Constanze Mozart · Sat May 03, 2008 @ 05:43pm · 0 Comments |