My Sweet Sam
Today I went to church in the morning, but then afterwards, for the next mass, I was supposed to babysit a cute little one year old that I know, while his family watches his big sister receive First Communion. We had a lot of fun together! After mass, they took me to Halaewa Joe's, a really good restaurant, where we had brunch. When I was done, Matthew (the baby), and I went outside and looked at the chickens. We saw baby chicks, which were quite cute.
Later on, the other children came outside with me. The boys risked their lives to climb a freakishly tall tree, then got busted for it, while the girls, Matthew, and I stayed down. After the parents were done, they dropped me off at home. I am home alone now.
They gave me five dollars an hour, I was being generous today... XD Anyways, whe I got home, I gabbed my beloved David Archuleta TV Guide Magazine and headed upstairs. That's right! I didn't tell you about yesterday.
Yesterday, I had an orthodontist appointment, so I went downtown with my mom and grandma. I had a loose bracket for some reason, so they fixed that up, then we went to Walmart. I ventured off to the movie section and grabbed my Patrick Dempsey movies, including Enchanted and Freedom Writers, and some other movies which I put back later. I also bought orange tic tacs and some gum. In line, I was looking at the magazine rack and RIGHT THERE, in front of my eyes, AN AMERICAN IDOL TV GUIDE MAGAZINE, WITH DAVID ON THE COVER!!! I screamed and grabbed it. I wanted it so bad that I paid for it myself when my mom wouldn't. Anyways, so it is sort of in bad shape because I have been hugging it 24/7. I treat it like my child. Today when I had to leave it in the car to go to church, I said to my mother, "Take care of Magazine for me...", slightly sobbing.
My friends and I officially are anti-Alexiators, so we don't have anything to do with her anymore. They, being Ellie and Courtney, said that she is being really immature and stupid, which I completely agree with. Oh well! Monday I won't have to see her because of our 8th grade retreat, and after that, only 2 more weeks until I never have to see her again! (Graduation)
heart Myranda
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Constanze Mozart · Mon May 19, 2008 @ 03:10am · 1 Comments |