My Sweet Sam
Oh my gosh, David Archuleta was amazing tonight! The praises for him were so phenomenal that he was practically in tears heart . It was so cute. My screaming annoyed the neighbours and my parents...a lot.
I was able to vote tonight! It costs money, so my dad set a limit of one vote for me ( crying ) but that was okay! After many times trying, it said that I wasn't able to go through and such. I got irritated and then realized that I had the wrong number XD. So I got the right number then called it and after many busy signals... GOT THROUGH!!! I was so excited that I was running around, skipping, and dancing while screaming "I GOT THROUGH!!" and "YESS!!!!" I am in a very good mood now and will be tomorrow.
The suspense is killing me. Will he win? I am sure he will! David Cook was OKAY tonight, but not terrific like finales should be. Simon certainly did not enjoy his performance at all. David performed three songs and was awarded for best of the night. One song was even called the best performance all season. All teary eyed, he looked slightly relieved and tried to smile really hard, but couldn't really with all the emotions.
I am so glad that he is going to win. He really deserves it. Even before my obsession, I knew he was the one to beat, and I obviously was correct. And Alex...wasn't! Shocker. She doesn't even watch it anyways, so what does she know.
heart Myranda
Constanze Mozart · Wed May 21, 2008 @ 08:05am · 1 Comments |