I know who you're talking about! :]]
How can you be so insecure about our friendship?!
I'll never want to stop being your friend! EVEREVEREVER.
And well, you always seem like you want to hangout with other people too. So I give you space. And I get kinda jealous. I'm jealous how you just have so many like you and yeah. And I'm like 'oh, she can hangout with other people. It's all cool.' But deep down, I get jealous!.I just want to hangout with you! But It's like I can't do that, you know? I can't be your only friend. And sometimes it just seems their better friends then I am. And I feel a little pushed aside. But again! It's me being selfish and wanting you all to myself! Sure, I have all these friends. And yeah, I consider some these people my best friends, but you're like...my BEST Friend. I can tell you anything I want without like holding back. And you're just fine the way you are. You don't need to be a better person or anything, because I love you no matter what.

And everything I said is true. I do need you. You don't know how much I need you. And sometimes I feel too dependent on you. You remember the days when I was depressed? When I just hated life so much? And I've already told this to, everyday I was literally on the verge of killing myself. Like, seriously. But then I think of you and I had something to look forward to; someone to talk too. [[I smiled when you said you loved hearing my voice.<33ILYYY]] and it's the same for me too. I love hearing your voice and whenever I hear it, I feel like everything will be okay and safe.
I don't think I've ever said this but sometimes before you called, I thought of killing myself. It was after days where it just sucked so bad that I couldn't take it anymore! I broke down and thoughts of suicide just races through my mind. And then you called. :]] <3 So see, I need you more ways than you know.

I'm insanely insecure about my body and my appearance. Though I love you even more for calling me beautiful. <3 I never thought I was, actually. I had this BUSHY eyebrows and my choppy hair and gross body. And like I had no confidence in me whatsoever. And I just hated myself. I just didn't hate the world, my life, and people. I hated myself too. And I don't know, you just changed me! In like ways I don't even know. I'm not so insanely insecure, a little abit but that's why I obsess over my hair and make up and yeah x3

But I'm jealous of you can go out into the world and be like "HEY I'M GINA!" And like not care. I know you do but it's like you just live with it. And why every time you hate your hair whatever, I say you're beautiful. because you are!

So I love you. More than you can imagine. <3

Andand don't fall to peices! I'll tape you back together! WITH MY LOVE.

And hawt boy smex. ;D