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SoulSearcher13's Journal
A short, sad story.
Girl: Slow down!
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No, its not! Please, this is scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: I love you, now slow down!
Guy: And give me a BIG hug.
Girl: *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? Its bugging me.

(In the papers the next day) Two people on a motorcycle crashed into a building yesterday. The crash was due to brake failure. One is dead and the other is expected to make a full recovery.

The truth is, the guy relized his brakes had failed half a block away,but didn't want to freak the girl out. So instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug him one last time. Then he had her take his helmet and put it on, saving her life, even though he knew that he'd be killed.

If you love someone this much, then please tell them before its too late.