A warforge sat, thinking to itself, not human, but mechanical. But even then, it was out of the ordinary of its own kind, for on that throne made of stone in a cave that was never lit, sat a unique being of the warforge. A boneforge.
The exterior plating of its being was made completely of bone, a spine exposed along its back with spikes sticking out of each vertebrae. Shoulder pauders had two inch long spokes sticking up on top, and three inch ones right before it curved down sticking out to the side. On its shoulder blades jetted out curved spikes, going up to a foot long, and these were made of bone like previous spikes. In a type of crown manner, horns stuck out around the skull, one large one in the front high on the forhead, two at the frontsides of the head, curved and forward, and another pair at the backsides.
Ruby-embedded eyes looked ever so in the dark as dagger-tipped fingers strumed on the arm rest. Plating that usually was of metal was made of bear bone, compacted with more bone through the manipulation of magic, giving him a small bulky look. On the insides of his body lay metal, like all warforge require.. But through his veins ran mana as well then just the usual, giving him the properties to be able to cast magic.
In the a free hand was held a staff, made of a snake's skeleton. A python's skeleton to be exacted, hardened and embedded with magic and a devil's soul. Smaller ruby eyes always gazed upon the being that captured it when ever they were alone with malice.
A subtle drop in the darkness, and his white and black vision that saw completely in the dark spotted blood drip from a fresh animated corpse from the recently deceased. Oh well, more blood on the 'carpet.' The necromancer cackled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What a warforge looks like. Just put the details onto him.
Leonardo Winter · Thu Jul 03, 2008 @ 09:59pm · 0 Comments |