1.What's your Name? 2. Are we close? 3. What do you think of me? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Would you ever want to kill me? 7. Describe me in 3 words? 8. If you Had Me for 30 Mins what would you do? 9. What was your first impression of me? 10. Do you still think the same? 11. What reminds you of me? 12. If you could give me anything what would it be? 13. How well do you know me? 14. What do you like best about me? 15. Ever wanted 2 tell me something you couldn't? 16. Could you ever love me? 17. Give me a nickname and explain why? 18. Are you gonna put this in your journal and see what i say about you?
1.What's your Name? Sean! 4laugh 2. Are we close? Yarp 3. What do you think of me? Your awesome! 4. Do you have a crush on me? Hell yah bby! ;D 5. Would you kiss me? Yeah 6. Would you ever want to kill me? Noooooooo 7. Describe me in 3 words? Smexeh nd sweet heart 8. If you Had Me for 30 Mins what would you do? ninja 9. What was your first impression of me? "Wow she's cute" 10. Do you still think the same?Hell yeah ;D 11. What reminds you of me? Erm... I dunno D; 12. If you could give me anything what would it be? A big kissie!!! 4laugh 13. How well do you know me? Very well... I think... 14. What do you like best about me? Your personality =3 15. Ever wanted 2 tell me something you couldn't? Not really xD 16. Could you ever love me? Already do! 17. Give me a nickname and explain why? Smoochie-poo! xD Cos its cute and funny like you are! 18. Are you gonna put this in your journal and see what i say about you? You stole it from meh! Dx
Vagabond_Sean · Community Member · Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 10:57am
1. Unheard 2. I like to think so 3. You're awsome man XD 4. Oh yeah baby! Just kidding ;D 5. Maybe << >> 6. No 7. That sexy b***h 8. well...(censored) 9. You're nuts 10. oh yeah, but it's a good thing 11. A clock 12. AN ALIEN!!!!! 13. Sadly, not that much 14. your attitude about everything 15. Yes, Why a clock reminds me of you 16. yep 17. CLOCK for current unknown reasons... 18. hmmm...I should
AIDS Cookie · Community Member · Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 09:57pm
1.What's your Name?charlotte 2. Are we close?friends if thats wat u mean 3. What do you think of me?nice 4. Do you have a crush on me?um..no 5. Would you kiss me?no 6. Would you ever want to kill me?no 7. Describe me in 3 words?nice,funny,hyper surprised 8. If you Had Me for 30 Mins what would you do?talk 9. What was your first impression of me?funny 10. Do you still think the same?yes 11. What reminds you of me?me lawl cos we both get hyper 12. If you could give me anything what would it be?a present 13. How well do you know me?friends 14. What do you like best about me?personality 15. Ever wanted 2 tell me something you couldn't?maybe 16. Could you ever love me?no 17. Give me a nickname and explain why?o this is a hard 1..FunnyBunny Cos Ur a bunny biggrin 18. Are you gonna put this in your journal and see what i say about you?u did biggrin
1.What's your Name? Lina.. 2. Are we close? Were friends ^.^ 3. What do you think of me? RANDUUUUM XD 4. Do you have a crush on me? lawl you wish ;P 5. Would you kiss me? I KISSED A GIRL AND I - Only cheek [that song burnz my ears DX] 6. Would you ever want to kill me? no xD 7. Describe me in 3 words? RUH ANNN DUUUUUMAH 8. If you Had Me for 30 Mins what would you do? Explode barbie dolls >8D 9. What was your first impression of me? HOLY CRAP WHOSSAT - Joke umm.....I was slightly scared of you 10. Do you still think the same? yes...but i know im scarier RAWR XD 11. What reminds you of me? Top hats....honestly 12. If you could give me anything what would it be? a glomp XD 13. How well do you know me? pretty well...i think....unless youve been telling me pinapple pies!? 14. What do you like best about me? were crazy ^.^ 15. Ever wanted 2 tell me something you couldn't? Oh wait yes - oh wait no i told you that XD 16. Could you ever love me? ITS GIRL LOVE ~ ....? *shrug* 17. Give me a nickname and explain why? umm Turk XD so we can have guy love joke joke - umm Axel coz of our cosplay...yay guy love again 18. Are you gonna put this in your journal and see what i say about you? *Le gaspes thats smart* maybe...
Niipa · Community Member · Sat Aug 30, 2008 @ 10:18pm
1.What's your Name?Jimmy 2. Are we close?Maybe 3. What do you think of me?nice person with psycho eyes biggrin 4. Do you have a crush on me? no 5. Would you kiss me?....no 6. Would you ever want to kill me?no O.o 7. Describe me in 3 words?crazy good person 8. If you Had Me for 30 Mins what would you do?BOWL!!! 9. What was your first impression of me?she is nice tht helps her ;3 10. Do you still think the same?yea XD 11. What reminds you of me?DRUGS XD 12. If you could give me anything what would it be?. hmm...... all u want 13. How well do you know me?not so well 14. What do you like best about me?you are nice biggrin 15. Ever wanted 2 tell me something you couldn't?nnopp 16. Could you ever love me?ys as friend 17. Give me a nickname and explain why?CRAZZYYYYY u know why XD 18. Are you gonna put this in your journal and see what i say about you?it is there