Rofl~ I sent you my disagreement thing~! 8D
And I'm sorry that my mind is very messed up and cannot think at school, it just happens.
You weren't even supposed to find that paper because there were still a lot of things i needed to add and things I needed to edit. ((yes edit, because my mind wasn't even working when I was writing it o_o))
But then my mind went "Ploo" and I forgot I even wrote it. XDDD
And I didn't feel like having a "creative discussion" either because my mind ((yet again)) was blank and I knew I wouldn't even be able to say anything back to you.

Lol I agree with you on the whole RikuSora thing. XD About how they seem quite boring.

I LOVE YOU~ heart heart heart

Wooo~ Roxas x Sora? :O

and there's nothing to smoke D8