-My cat snorted. Sorry, no recording.
-Whadduyuh call a rabbit crossing a road? -ROADKILL. Its sad, really.
-So these two fish are swimming along, right, and they run into a huge wall, then one of them says, "Damn".
-There's a man fishing, right? And your not supposed to keep the fish because its the law there. So he pulls one out and sticks it in a bucket. He puts it in the car and gets ready to leave. He drives on the road that leads to the exit and gets stopped by a inspector that sees the fish and bucket. Inspector: Sir, keepin' the fish from the lake ain't permitted in this park. I'm gunna have tuh give yer a ticket, here. Man: Well, sir, I didn't catch this here fish. Inspector: Oh? Well where did'ja get that fish then, sir? Hm? Man: Well, sir, this is my pet fish. I let him in the lake and he comes right back after he's done. I can show you. Inspector: Is that right? Well. I suppose I could see. The man and inpector walk up to the lake shore. Man: See, so I just put him in the water like this... And he'll come back after I call him. They wait a minute until the man whistles for his "pet" fish. Another minute passes. Inspector: Why didn't the fish come back? Man: What fish?
bos hout · Sat Sep 13, 2008 @ 07:13am · 0 Comments |