idea Character profile idea
Name: -Aurora| Meaning- "dawn. Unspoilt, quiet, sentimental. Beautiful face and graceful manners. Implicitly faithful companion"
Age: 41
Gender: female
Martial Status: Married/Deceased | daughter Ryoko | Miscaraged twins Pyro and Polo | Miscaraged Dente.
Height: 5'11
Weight: 130
Occupation: Ninjistsu grandmaster
Good/Evil: Good
Class: Ninja
Eye Color: blue-grey
Hair Color: black
Homeworld: Unknown
Traits: Her blind site is more of her gratest strength rather than a weakness, can hear an enemy near by from up to 30 miles away which is vital.
Weapon/s: Katana blades
#1Named: Zillah| Meaning- "Shadow"
(Sub Weapons): Kunai| Poison riceball| Poison viles | shuriken stars|
Special Abilities
Special attack: Auroroa can use her other sences to decect where her enemy is going to attack.
Special Attacks:
Cherry Blossom: Can summon cheery blossoms to distract her opponent whilst she attacks from behind
Blood Fest: Raining 20 critical slashes to multiple targets.
A swift attack which is used as a final move, with all of her strength that she summons unto Zillah she casts a single blow onto the oppononet dealing with curtain death depending on the accuracy.
True Strength: If an ambush has taken place she will protect the ones around her till death.
Shadow Lord: Can call upon the shadow lord with a shadow scroll, uncusessful most of the time.
-Aurora is infact blind as a bat, she has never seen Ryoko before.
- Aurora loves her child deeply, despite being blind.
- Teaches a dojo which consist on a select few that have passed the ninja trials.
- she gave the gloves (VI, VII, VIII & IX) to all of her students.
- Her husbands real name is Victor| Meaning- "conqueror." Strong, manly, sympathetic. Intolerant of other people's failings. Not very passionate. Prefers platonic friendships to love
- Aurora had depended on her husband to teach Ryoko how to talk, read and write but he only limited this. This was straining Aurora because Ryoko could never have a conversation with her daughter, however this did not stop her from Loving her mute daughter.
"Ignore your farther Little Raine"
"Whatever happens, I'll always love you"
"I've never seen my daughters face. Or heard her voice"
"She will grow up to become a beautiful & great warrior someday. It's true that there are many evil's that will sway her into darkness but Ryoko has to remember her true cause.
" It's hard to comprehend.. That she's beside me"
"Little Raine, decribe to me what the blossom trees look like?"
" Victor, why do you hate her!? Our child!? After all you did name her..Ryoko. You havn't once held her in your arms."
Weakness('s): Emotional Blackmail | Odd numbers
Likes: Her daugher| Her husband| blossom peek
Dislikes: Blackmail| Victors hatred for Ryoko | Cooking | Ryoko's self confidence |
Personality: Kind, caring and loving. Attributes for a perfect mother.She is faithful and has been brought up with good manners.
Appearance: Wears a beautiful silk kimono with a light pink bow wrapped round her chest. The kimono had a print of a blue blossom tree with golden string as the branches. Her hair reaching down to her shoulders Aurora would useually pin her hair up with chopsticks.

Short Bio: Aurora grew up in a happy, loving enviroment and was surrounded by the comfort of her family. She promised herself she would act the same to her children when she grew older and that she would have a loving husband who would feel the same. The hopeful girl had her sites set on Gill who was her bestfriend, they shared alot in common and told each other about their dreams for the future. Unfortunantly this was not for her to deside.
Aurora's marrage was arranged to the son of the royal conceller and leader of the ninja clan ("Sulpher" wink . Sulpher chose Aurora as Victor's fiance becasue of her poise, beauty & graceful manners (However these where the atributes Aurora hated about herself, her beauty made it hard for male individuals to take her seriously)
They married at a young age, Aurora warming up to her arranged husband and Victor vis versa. The hot tempered Victor would often lash out at Aurora for her open minded and positive attitude (for reasons of his own) but they soon tried for a baby. Aurora had two miscarages at 25 (twins, both male) which lead her to her depression, this was a tough time for both of them as Victor was sent on numerous assainations for five years leaving Aurora alone. During which time she seeked solace from her old friend Gill, He would console her and perk her up at the most troubling of times.
The young adult would not tell her husband about this because of his jealous and hot tempered atittude and would assume this was adultery. Aurora would also have her dutys of running a master dojo just a few blocks away from her home, mostly children where tought and always called her Aunty Aurora becuase of her loving nature. The children where never pressurised into doing more than they could handle, boosting their moral and confidence was important to her since they would grow up to become assasins.
Five more years had passed
and Aurora soon gave birth to a beautiful baby girl doubed Ryoko, Victor was displeased at the gender of the child, now who was going to become his succesor? surely not this child? the discolorization in Ryoko's eyes symbolized that of a demon, the doctor told her that the baby caused Aurora to go perminantly blind (something to do with the genes, Aurora's vision was always impaired.) which lead Victor to dislike the girl even more.
Aurora poured her love onto the child but for Ryoko this wasnt enough, she needed to belive that her farther felt the same way. Victor never showed affection for the child and ignored her emotional plites. Aurora would often take Ryoko to Blossom peek where the trees grew beautifully, she would always tell the perky child about why they where coloured and they would symbolise a ninja's death; Almost like a gravestone.
"Each family that have lost someone dear plants a blossom tree beside the body,a great warriors tree grows bright. They can all determin who's who by the colorisation of the tree's "