Ello!...heh..^^;; anyway! Today was a little better than yesterday...although..i got slammed into a wall on my way to 7th period...Dx..AND someone, almost un-hooked my bra...(she was just kidding around, but STILL >=[... anyway..so! in English i got to pair up with some people who didn't know what they were doing..I didn't know what i was doing! xD and in...History, the class got to use Lab-tops! (which was awesome!) anyway! and nothing really happened at Lunch...oh! Ayla wasn't at school today.. =D which re-minds me!!!!! I HAVE NO-SCHOOL TOMORROW!!! xD its awesome!!! =3 ..im going to wake up early to talk to Alex though...=3 ^^ ANYWAY! oh! today, my mom was washing all of our clothes and i had like..NO shirts that looked good on me, so i grabbed a random shirt and went to school...xD the shirt is this SOFT red low-cut...shirt...and almost EVERYONE said.." Wooh i like your shirt today jessie!!! " xD i hate it..ANYWAY!!!! This Has Been..*drum roll* ~Jessica's Blog~ I LOVE YOU ALEX!!! FOREVER!!! =^.^=
 (lolz Animaniacts)
jess_jess_chan · Tue Sep 30, 2008 @ 10:08pm · 1 Comments |