"Last thing I wanna do right now is read your stupid poetry, why cant you just tell me what you really wanna say?...."
oh man.....love that song blaugh I sent a friend request to Vendetta Red on MySpace and after MONTHS I just decided, SCREW IT! dont know why I wanted to add them anyways stare rolleyes blah!
Wheeew...its fun being a sneaky biatch twisted heart blaugh . Ever since school started back up I've been logging onto Gaia every morning and lunch break (and during classes ninja ). I wonder how long the Administrator will find out about it....oh well! Kim was joking around the other day saying, "Who else besides you goes on to Gaia in school?!? I really doubt they're gonna find out from ONE PERSON going on there." yeah.....I hope she's right sweatdrop . I really dont feel like getting my damn computer privilages taken away! scream scream . It's just too damn easy to give in though whee stressed
so yeah.....I spent a lot of time working on some banners for the CCS Guild
I'm so proud crying crying crying crying
and now for one of the most bizarre poems I've ever had the misfortune of reading (well not really rolleyes )
Squiddy Murder by werethylacine
Stretched upon the barren beach His lover she did lay, And gruesome in her pale appeal She lived her final day.
Perched upon her carcass smirking- A tiny maze of limbs! Squirting out its vile ink, It killed her on a whim.
"Foul beast, my love you stole from me!" He cried without finesse. The creature mocked and wiggled As her face it did caress.
He snatched the squid and squeezed it Until it foully burst. Our hero held his lady lost, His last love and his first.
He buried her beside their home, Far from the River Lethe, Where he mourned a year and a day His love interred beneath.
From the night a slithering came, And he began to shake. A day too many spent grieving Had sealed this youngster's fate.
A giant squid came from the dark, Roaring with dreadful rage, And tore him to many pieces. He lived to no great age.
~~~ Suiddy Murder: Foul-Homocidal-Fishy Goodness heart
see weed mermaid · Sun Oct 02, 2005 @ 05:13am · 1 Comments |