You were staying in a hotel. When the loud scream of a little boy suddenly woke you up. You walked out of the room to try and figure out what you had heard and if you were hearing things. As you open your door you look down and see a trail of blood smeared on the outside ground. You see that it goes from your neighboring hotel room to the parking lot, you start wondering where you might be and if this is for real. Then all of a sudden you hear another scream but this time it sounds like it came from someone much older, as if they were in their late 20's. You start to hear faint footsteps then they start getting louder. As you stand there in your pajamas half scared to death and half curious of what that is, you walk inside and and slowely close the door behind you hoping that what ever that was will not hear you.You stand by your door and listen to whats going on outside. The footsteps start getting louder and louder then they stop as if they were right outside your door. All of a sudden theres a pounding at the door, your practically scared stiff but you decide you look out the peep hole on the hotel door. What you see is something you will never forget in your entire life.
If you would like to know the ending to this Please pm me. If you would like to hear other scary stories please Pm me. If you would like to suggest some topic I write about PLEASE pm me.
jenniLOLOL · Fri Oct 31, 2008 @ 09:13pm · 0 Comments |