The push off the cliff edge had also pushed her up from under the water. She jolted up and took a struggling deep breath in, coughing the water out of her lungs. She pushed her bangs out of her eyes and wiped her face. Her eyes bugged out as she kept struggling to breath.
She shook her head and looked around. The water was tinged red. She quickly jumped out of the water and grabbed a towel. She dried herself off the best she could and ran back to bed. She pulled the covers back up over her wet hair and layed on her stomache. Her bangs stuck to her face as they dried, and she rubbed against her pillow to unstick them. The falling dream. It was only the falling dream. Those words faded in and out as she tried to relax and fall back to sleep.
Finally, she had relaxed and felt good enough to sleep. But, something just didn't add up to her. What is that smell? she thought, sniffing the air. It smelled, like some sort of cleaning alcohol. She smelled her hair, there it is. She put her face into her pillow and sniffed. That's the smell, but what is it? And why is it on my pillow?
Just then, two big hands wrapped around her neck and the back of her head and pushed her against her pillow, forcing her to breath the smell. She wrestled and squirmed and kicked and punched, but she couldn't get out of the grip. "Shhhh, silent screams." A voice whispered. The smell fogged her mind, and she drifted slowly off into sleep hearing "You're just so beautiful. We'll turn you into a good girl again."
nangal · Sat Jan 03, 2009 @ 05:37am · 1 Comments |