I haven't really written a real journal entry in a while. It's mainly been just me yammering about stuff. Well, I will write one I suppose.
Today is really boring because mostly all of my friends have school and I don't yet so that is causing the day to seem very slow...
This morning was insane because I had a spasm after seeing a picture...
smile It was quite heiß! It caused my mind to think dirty, German thoughts...
I assumed I could calm myself down by going down and watching television. I turned on Comedy Central and The Daily Show was on, so that was awesome. Then The Colbert Report was on, which was even more awesome. Then I watched MadTV, which featured a hilarious rendition of Laguna Beach called 'Laguna Bi-otch'. After that, nothing was on. And I missed Yo Gabba Gabba! too. It was NOT Dancy Dance time for me.
Nothing was on besides Dora the Explorer so I went back upstairs and am currently writing this. Uhm... maybe I should code those profiles I've been meaning to code...
Yesterday was really fun. I went to the mall because I babysat on Saturday and got forty-five bucks that was burning a hole in my pocket... My mom hates shopping with me because I take FOREVER to pick out what I want, and it's usually in Hot Topic.
Aside from the bitches in Spencer's, it was a fun time shopping. I got really great stuff! In Hot Topic, I bought another wristband (I have many), a
"Save Me" shirt (y'know, the one with the world on it shaped like a heart with the cute little face...?), and some dinosaur hairclips. They are pretty awesome.
In Wet Seal, I bought two pairs of skinny jeans on sale (They are too big, but hey, buy one get one free!), and I renewed my Seal Deal card that Alex introduced to me. The jeans are yellow and blue! Wooh!
The main reason we went to the mall was to buy a new pair of Converses and we got them on sale at Journey's! Yay! They look so beautiful compared to my old, dirty, written on ones. I can't wait to go back to school tomorrow and wear them.
We then went to the calendar store where we purchased our 2009 calendars, since they were now 50% off. I got a 'Classic Guitars' calendar for my wall, and a daily desk calendar with German phrases and facts in it, since I've been meaning to learn German. Speaking in German (or using translators...
sweatdrop ...) with my friends really helps! Haha. So, if you feel like using a translator to speak in German with me, feel free to.
biggrin Well, this was a fun way to waste time, but I fear I must go now. Bye for now!
(or shall I sai 'bai bi for now!!')