Elloz...hey i dont know why, but im in a Mood to Blog today...=_= i dont know what it is!?!...*Sits back in my Chair , and Brushes my hair*...Today people told me, that i have changed my ENTIRE mood...i feel fine..i guess im not as cheery....nor no i wear bright colors much, anymore...my eyes dont look as bright...im sure i will get better... So!...Today The New President, got sworn in...and we no-longer have Gorge. W. Bush...but guess what? where he is going to live now, is 30mins away from where i am....its like this:....Goodbye, Hello.... =_= kinda' a Bad example huh? ummm i passed a Spanish test...[ woot me! ]...wasn't that hard, before the test our teacher complemented me on my outfit...it was kinda awkward...and i was surprised at how Softly i spoke!...like im afraid my words will hurt people or something?!?! Anyway..*Texts Mandi for a second*...i am in need of H20..brb..*Gets some water*...ok... *Sigh* Well, lemme think...i tripped in the Hall, on my way to Science...Mandi wasn't at school today, shes as sick as EVER....and, oh! tonight my mom and my brother have to go out to a Meeting, and my step-dad is going too...im home alone for awhile...*Sigh*...i was walking in front of the Office today, and looked into the Glass at myself...and wow....why didn't people tell me, i cant walk in Flat-shoes?...not only that, but the fact that my Butt sticks out more when i have Flats on?..=_= i felt bad ALL day about that!....=_= oh! Something else! Today, i have put on Pantyhose, and i was going to wear a Skirt, then i took a step out side, and it was cold, so i went inside and took, off my skirt, and put on Pants, no i did NOT take off the Pantyhose....in fact...i started to get mad at them, before 1st period started....soo i went into the Girls Bathroom, and took off my pants, and in doing to i had to take off my shoes...coldest floor EVER!!!..anyway..after i took the Pantyhose off, i put my pants on, and went to band....xD i threw the Pantyhose in my band Locker!, and forgot to pick em' up after school! OOPS! Anyways This has Been *Drum roll* ~Jessica's Blog~ Love You Alex...
 thats you finding out, i wore Pantyhose..... and the fact thati have no problem telling people....
jess_jess_chan · Tue Jan 20, 2009 @ 11:24pm · 0 Comments |