~note: please over look spelling, i'm a very bad speller.
Trigun Name: Isis A Pheonix
Age: looks 21 (actuly is 1000 years old)
hair: Brown waist length
eyes: Brown
clothing: red leather hip- hugger pants covered by black thigh high leather boots. wares a red leather tub top that shows stomach. Wares a red leather trench coat which she onlys keeps on of the top buttons buttoned so her stomah shows
power: Contorls fire and wind. (older brother contorls earth and water) can not be killed by human weapons but can be killed by magic. Wounds heal rapidly (like Logan on X-men)
bounty: sames as vash. wanted for the countless murders of government officals.
weapon: A sword based down through her family since the dawn of time called the Pheonix Blade. also use throwing daggers
personal history: was captured by a human scientist and turned in to a killing machine. Has no memorie of the killings. Currently wandering Gunsmoke looking for her older brother because her father wants to see them both before he dies and he his close to death.
family history: the princess of the Alentains (sp?) who have enhabitited the planet Gunsmoke after they sank their contenit to protect the humans from their technology. her misson is to keep the evil alentains from destorying all the humans of gunsmoke. The evil alentains want all humans dead because they hate them because they took over Earth and now is trying to take over their new planet. ~~~~
 Other Chracters:
Name: isis a. triger
race: 1/2 human 1/2 demon
Age: 20
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Clothing: Baggy pants and a baggy tshirt. Pants and shirt are the same color. weres every color but pink.
ears: cat ears
tail: cat tail
powers: contorl all of the elements. if scared or angered she will trun into a tiger like creature.
other power: during the full moon she turns into her evil form. she has 6 black angel wings, 2 on her shoulder, 2 in the middle of her back, and 2 in her hips. her hair turns black and her eyes glow red. she also has sharp vampier teeth.
history: her mother, a human, and her father, a powerful demon, where killed shortly after her birth. before her mothers death she left isis on the door step of a famer's house. they find her and raise her as their on child since they can't have any children of their own. she is a street fighter, anginst her parents wishes, to make extra money. she is wanted dead by the demon who killed her parents because a profet says that she would kill him if she was able to ever awaken her angelic form. Durning a full moon night she turns into her evil form and craves the blood of humans and demons. she has always been able to stop her self but each time it becomes harder for her to turn back to normal. ~~~~~ Name: Kat
age: in her 20s
Race: looks 100% human but is 1/2 demon
hair: brown
eyes: brown
clothing: Wares anything other than a dress or pink.
power: If angered in the light of the moon she turns into a cat creature and attacks who ever had angered her.
History: Was born a slave and at the age of 5 was tacken from her mother and sold to a slave owner. Her father was killed trying to free his lover from slavery. Here father was a prince of a power cat demon tribe. Has been bought and sold many times. she is alway ploting to kill her present owner in oreder to gain her freedom. The demon in her wants to be free and be with her father's people. ~~~~ Name: Angel
Race: looks comptely human. is 1/2 vampire. a day walker.
age: looks like shes 18. true age is unknown.
hair: red
eyes: Red
clothing: Black baggy pants with random chains that cover her black leather high heeled boots with steel toes. wares a tight black leather tank top which is covered by a Black leather trench coat. her red eyes are hidden by her black sun glasses. she also wares black leather fingure less gloves
wepons: A sword called Bloody Moon because of its bloody red blade. Also carries throwing dagger.
powers: can contorl any element she wants to and her wounds heal rapidly and can only be killed by magic.
history: Shortly after her birth her mother and father were killed. She was raised by a vampire king and servers as a body guard for him. In times of peace she sometimes spends her time as a bounty hunter and hired assian. of those she kills she drinks their blood. unlike other Vampires she only have to feed on night a month.
~Sera Apperance:  age:19 height: 5' 7" race: human but still in her mother's womb a Angel near death fused with her. power: sees and destories demons. Also can cure any illness and heal any type of wound by just touching the person weapons: Her mind and the countless types of angelic armor and weapons she can acces. history: Father was a exorcist killed by a demon just hours before her birth. her mother died shortly after her birth. Livied in a oprhanage till she graduated high shcool. after a near death experiance after her graduation the powers of the angel in side her was awoke and saved her life. since then she could see deomons and can detroy most by just touching them. She is currently a member of a secreat socity that handles demon out breaks throught the world. her code name is Angel of life.
Nekorlie · Sat Oct 29, 2005 @ 12:51am · 2 Comments |