Okay, so basically, I am 100% white. But let me lay down the basic ethnic ancestry for you.
I am one half German, one eighth Portuguese, most likely one eighth Irish, some Polish, possibly French (according to family History) a big chunk of British ethnicity...and basically any white country in Europe really. Just to make things clear.
Oh, and by the way, morons, Portugal is a country in Europe, and Portuguese is white.
I'm not racist... I'm just letting you know a little bit about me. Don't fear my pathetic attempts at being "gangster" for it will only end in misery. smile I wish I were more diverse, but hey, I am fine with the way I am.
Blue Eyes: German decent Natural Blonde Hair: German decent Unnatural Red Hair: Irish decent
I will most likely speak to you in German to annoy you. My uncle is quite fluent and I am teaching myself using audio programs and day calendars. Don't be alarmed. I also speak Spanish biggrin
Well....to wrap it all up, I am basically German considering I have majour German blood lines from each side of the family. But my British connections are strong as well, because I have been speaking and using Queen's English since I was 11. I was also born in part of the United Kingdom (present day Hong Kong). Don't ask me what we were doing living there. I don't know.
Constanze Mozart · Mon Feb 16, 2009 @ 12:51am · 0 Comments |