How did we get here? I use to know you so well
Okay, so I stole some questions from '', which is one of my favourite bands, and decided to answer them for myself.
Birth Date: 6 August 1994 Birthplace: Hong Kong Ethnicity: White rolleyes Eye Color: Blue Height: 5' 2" Pets: Cat, Freddy, and two rabbits, Murphy & Sullivyn Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi! Shoe Size: 7 Right/Left Handed: Right, attempting ambidexterity. Pick a number: 10 Pick a colour: Green TV Show: The Office Fast Food: Don't eat it. Ice cream: Mint Chocolate Chip Toothpaste: I don't care. Vocal idol: Hayley Williams Animal: Anything that purrs. Book: Is He or Isn't He? xD lawl.
What was the best present you ever got for Christmas? My electric guitar
What is you refered type of footwear? Converses.
Who's your longest known friend? Madeline
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? A lot of things.
If you were a fictional character, who would you be, and why? Uhm, I don't know. Sharon Spitz rofl
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Oh geez. Don't get me started.
What are some of the biggest accomplishments in your life thus far? Not many.
Who's your favourite actor/actress? Gosh, there's too many.
What's been playing on your iPod lately? The Scene Aesthetic, The Format, Paramore, Death Cab for Cutie, Three Days Grace, etc. etc.
What is one of your old AIM screen names that you don't use anymore? xstevienicksx
Have you ever gone to any other countries besides the United States? Yup. I was born in one.
What is your idea of the fun date? I don't know.
If you could have any magical power what would it be? The ability to fly. No more buses for me.
What's your earliest childhood memory? Learning to walk on the hard wood floor in our flat and falling on my face every time...but still got back up and tried again.
What's your perfect pizza? Anything veggie and cheesey.
If you had to be tied to someone for 24 hours who would it be? My wife, Catherine. We never get bored together.
Are you a morning person or a night person? At night it seems like I'm drunk, so morning.
Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad? Catherine. She has that ability.
What time do you usually wake up? On school days, 5 a.m., and on weekends and holidays, 10 a.m.
LAST QUESTION Is there anything other fun factoid that people might not know about you? Well, I am sure everybody knows that I like hugs. So hug me, whether it be a cyber hug or a physical one. I will love you forever.
Okay, now you can take this too! Just be sure to give credit to for the questions.
How did we get here? Well, I think I know
Constanze Mozart · Mon Feb 16, 2009 @ 10:52pm · 1 Comments |