How did we get here? I use to know you so well
Today was fascinating. Let's use the whole alphabet to describe my day.
A is for Andrew de Torres, the reason I smile in the morning. B is for 'Bigger HandGesture', who was bitchy today. C is for Cindy, who pushed me into a fire hydrant today. OUCH. D is for David Archuleta who is currently playing on iTunes. E is for everyone thought my button earrings were gauges. F is for fire drill, which happened during my math test. G is for the gauges I am getting for my ears pretty soon. H is for "HAHAHA!" which was heard many times today. I is for I love my wifey, Catherine. J is for my brother Josh, who was late picking me up at the bus stop. K is for kick-a** performances today. L is for Lysander, the loser that is too stupid to realize he does like Brittany and should give them a shot. M is for Mr. Mendez and Mr. Martin being tied at the leg and making a basket in one shot! Lawl. N is for Nathanial, who was sandwiching Brittany along with Lysander. O is for the Oscars coming up on Sunday. P is for pep rally, the torturous event that happens once and a while at school. Q is for the quiz in Biology that I got an A on biggrin R is for I really hope she's okay. S is for the stomach flu which many people I know are coming down with :/ T is for the token we got for today's Paraliturgy. U is for underwater which is where I want to be emerged. V is for violin which is heard quite often in songs I listened to today. W is for "WOAH; she has the same necklace as we do!" X is for X-axis and Y-axis that I had to label on my math test. Y is for 'Yellow Birds and Coal Mines'; my favourite song. Z is for "zet person" who is sick.
*does irresistible Andrew smile*
How did we get here? Well, I think I know
Constanze Mozart · Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 06:38am · 0 Comments |