i really messed things up...he said we're still friends...but i like him more than that...he said we're taking a break...but i feel like it's the end of the world...he said he needed time...but i think he doesn't like me anymore...he said no more calling...but i hear no more talking to him...he said he's not going to hang out with me that much...but it hurts to know all he should really tell me is we're not friends anymore...Doesn't that sound easier than just saying all this? Just to end something we had going? Doesn't it sound easier to say he hates me and get on with life? I think it would be...I don't want to be Just friends...I don't think I can...
XRainbow_Eating_UnillamaX · Tue Mar 10, 2009 @ 11:00pm · 0 Comments |