So yesterday was a bit of a problem, but hey we gotta start somewhere. So now what will i talk about. I'd rather not ask for help -thinks about last time-. So i went to a friends house and got forced to do work. It wasn't really force per say, but heck it was fun. TACOS!!!!! Where did that come from eek . I think Roanporu is starting to wear off on me and that's a bad thing BAKON!!!!!!!!!!! eek Yeah, i think i might need to get help before this gets out of hand. Let's see, I just realized that this Journal is supposed to be about Raji, but I'm making this all about me mrgreen
Raji: *puffs out of nowhere* HEY!!? THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT ME!!!!!! So let's talk about me... puleeeease!!! crying
Marquise: I'd rather not... *notices Raji coming closer* STOP IT RIGHT THERE MISTER stressed !!!! Not another foot, don't come any closer
Raji: *still moving closer* But master... this is supposed to be about me!!!! crying
Marquise: Fine then, what about you should we talk about?
Raji: Umm... Let's see. idea I got it, let's talk about the time that that James, Destin, and I had to fight the annoying twins and went feral together. It was awesome and we experience a weird boost. I think it's odd that we three all get our strength from the moon, it's weird and cool all at the same time.
Marquise: Yeah stare you told me all about that and how you guys kicked their butts. I thought that you guys were doing a bit too much for just trying to train them...
Raji: Well they tried to gang us in the night and then tried to use the moon against us. BIG MISTAKE!!! pirate
Marquise: Right... you still can't beat me *pokes RPC on the forehead* and you never will be able to twisted
Raji: Yes I will, you just wait, next entry I challenge you to a showdown scream
Marquise: You're on!!!
-InsertEgoHere- Liger · Wed Mar 18, 2009 @ 12:28am · 0 Comments |