Frustration builds up, the heart screams in terror. I say I had enough, I can't handle any more... Of the pain and frusrtation i feel inside The overwhelming feelings that makes me cry.. I'm so lost I dont know what to do... Maybe I should end with a one two boom but what would that solve? Except pain for others.. So I think I'll live on with pain stored away. For someone to look at my yesterday..
My yesterday so blue fallen apart.. Lyin' everywhere are pieces of my heart, The glass looks red... I could put a slice or two here, maybe I'll find somethin else to fear.. But I'm to afraid to do it I have no spine... I'm just a big o' chicken who knows how to rhyme...
So what would you all do if I made it all stop with a drop, with a slash with a boom... would you all cry would you all understand... or would you say why did she have to die....
~Black~~~~~Heart~ · Wed Mar 18, 2009 @ 11:11pm · 0 Comments |