You have become the coffin where my heart lays and rots.
{.//That's what I would name my special attack .> Any whom I want to slap the s**t out of Thomas for his stupidity that kid acts like his life is terrible. He whines more than I do but always manages to get laid while I save my self for my prince to one day come save me .sighsighsigh. My mother stumbled on some problems for Tribble to stay with us .| which is pissing me off but my avatar is so cute it takes my mind off the terrible anger that I was feeling c. Cute. So I changed my profile and media to things that fit me more and I'm starting to save for college now <3 .I feel like Yukiko/Kanji from persona 4 as well .< I just want to get out of Germany and away from these people. The more I'm around them the more I hate everything. They complain about such stupid things and act like your drama is unimportant it's ridiculous. It makes my faith in people die. I really hate people }