as ferras and leefull marched towards the atantian barraks he atarted to worrey about meeting an old friend and comrad in battle from the great last war "so ferras ive been told the ice teratory and water empire are alies in the great elemental war" asked leefull nick didnt reply to the question. after 1 hour of walkin they finaly goten to the barracks. "ferras my old friend" boomed a voice from behind them the to heros turned around and sar a large atlantian in bulking saphire blue armor stood be hind them "hey sargent saminus how have u been" asked ferras the saminus laught and replyed "im not sargent any more im the new genral and im been doing great" all of the soden a large crack aperd on the christal dome
"what the hell" shouted saminus inshock as the water driped through the crack. "it must be that army who distroyed my home city" thorght ferras. ferras and leefull pulled out there wepons and ran into the city where they saw an army of hooded men killing the citiasens and guards as they ran towards the palice ferras and leefull ran at the the hooded men while saminus got his troops ready to rush them soon after fifty thousend men reached the city center and an epic battle began blood splaterd men screamed with pain and driven crazy by the sickening sight of deaths of friends saminus jumped off his hourse and pulled out his giant two hand atlantain sword and turned the handle and the blade split into making two swords with each swing of the swords he killed a member of the enimy. after ten hours of fighting the heros won the battle "so i think i know why u came here to ask me to join u 2" said saminus "well yh we did so u in" asked leefull saminus nodded and they went on there way to the exit. "now where we off to" asked saminus
leefull and ferras looked at saminus and with a sad grined "well the city of volcana the fire and earth relm.
awesomesauce 29 Community Member |