Total Value: 2,278,393 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
The Lusty Scoundrel
Mythrill Halo
Guitar of Angellus
Lovely Genie Gold Bangle Bracelets
Lovely Genie Gold Bangle Bracelets
Decorative Daisy
Colonial Bonnet
Winter Rose
Winged Anklets
Water Meat Set
Dashing Gentleman Diamond Vest
M Gaia Tshirt
White Leather Belt
Black Strapless Bra
Soft Black Underwear
Silver Deluxe Holiday Legwarmers

Total Value: 69,204 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Colonial Bonnet
Eye Bandage
Silver Kiseru
Leafy Tavern Wench's Cincher
Clean White Tavern Wench's Blouse
Citrus Snug Slip-On Sneakers
Colonial Stockings
Shell Collection
Dead Sexy Onyx Skull Pin
Street Fighter IV Megapack
August Birthstone Crown
Gift of the Goddess
Lex's White Gloves
Citrus Snug Balloon Skirt
Egyptian Ivory Linen Wrap
Black Leather Belt
Elegant Snowy Cravat