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I'll think of a cool, snappy title sometime.. It's a journal, I'm not even sure I'll remember I've got one. O.o

Community Member
Little pricks.
You know what pisses me off? Two things this morning. The casino, and those people who do the humping motion in the towns.

Humping first. It was a little funny in the beginning, make me giggle a bit and point. After 15 minutes though, not so much. Everywhere I go in the towns I see it, it's like a ********' plague. It doesn't annoy me so much when it's done to me, but when it's done to me and then everybody else around as well that pisses me off. Yeah, Gaia's a site aimed for teenagers. But come on, you can be a little more mature than a kid who's 10 watching some cheesy porn.

Casino's turn. Going into multi player rooms is nice and all, but not when 95% of the rooms relate to sex. I was in there five minutes ago, and seriously saw maybe five rooms that weren't related to anything sexual in any way. I saw locker rooms, cyber rooms, slave and master rooms, and worst of all, rape rooms. How much more can you go against the site than that? It's pitiful too, just proving that a majority of this little 'community' can talk about nothing but sex. Come on, there's literally thousands of other things you can talk about, yet you find just about any way there is to talk about or engage in sex. Over the internet no less.

Ranting done. <3