I've been spending way too much time over at 4chan for my own good (I blame X for showing me this site in the first place).
Granted, 85% of it is just plain ol' pronography and the people that fap to it, but I spend most of my time at the Mecha, Weapons, Anime, Animated Gif's and :cough:sexybeautifulwomen:cough: threads.
It's a nice place to get awesome laughs.. the flames that go on in that place and the "tradition", as well as the interweb jokes... heh.
I am proud to be an Anonymous!
Anyways, Thanksgiving came and went; surprisingly I did not pig out as badly as I did last year. I wonder why...
How the hell does Miyavi fit into that box? He's like six feet tall!
Things I Hate/Things I Love (in no specific order)
Things I Hate
1.) Rude People 2.) Walmart (a group of ******** if I ever saw one) 3.) Britany Spears (stupid ho) 4.) Stupid People (redundant, I know) 5.) Heights (scary) 6.) Biggots 7.) Kanye West (just...shut up already) 8.) Pertentiousness 9.) People who can't let things go 10.) Spiders 11.) Lamb (I'm allergic to it!) 12.) George Bush (well...) 13.) Bats 14.) Micheal Moore (you shut up too) 15.) Anti-americanism (yes, let's hate an entire country of people...Makes perfect sense.) 16.) Americans who pass themselves off as Canadians (ball-less ********) 17.) Osama and his cronies 18.) Organized religon (all of it) 19.) Peta 20.) Olives (yuck) 21.) Squirrels (Godzilla, I blame you) 22.) 70% of Chatterbox & GD 23.) Conformists 24.) Tentacles 25.) Fangirls (rabid ones) 26.) Otaku 27.) Japanophile elitists 29.) Snobby Europeans (they know who they are) 30.) Music elitists 31.) Dumbass customers 32.) Politics 33.) Jack Thompson (now unable to practice law in Alabama HA HA HA) 34.) Math 35.) People who can't laugh at themselves 36.) Grumpy old people (just die already) 37.) Tardiness 38.) Selfish people 39.) Other people's kids (most of them, anyway) 40.) Raviolli 41.) Reality TV 42.) MTV 43.) FCC 44.) Incompetant Parents 45.) Tequila 46.) Repeating myself 47.) Talking on the phone 48.) Stupid drivers 49.) Fema-nazis 50.) Chauvenists
Things I Love
1.) My family 2.) The sound of a guitar 3.) Beautiful sunsets 4.) Cats 5.) Autumn afternoons 6.) Good Books 7.) The human body 8.) Compassion 9.) Creativity 10.) Music of all kinds 11.) The ocean 12.) Good movies 13.) Soda Floats 14.) Playstation (1,2 & soon 3) 15.) Lance Armstrong 16.) Rollercoasters 17.) Languages 18.) Dogs 19.) Curiousity 20.) My friends 21.) Art 22.) Laughter 23.) House 24.) CSI 25.) Motorcycles 26.) The internet 27.) Musicals 28.) Pianos 29.) Miyavi 30.) Manga 31.) Rain 32.) Scented candles 33.) Funny Jokes 34.) Pretty eyes 35.) Smiles (of all kinds) 37.) Sarcasm 38.) The variety of cultures around the world 39.) Simplicity 40.) Anime 42.) Utaban 43.) Quietness 44.) The human mind 45.) Japanese TV 46.) Swords 47.) Mythology 48.) Dreams 49.) Courage 50.) Sleep
Vahn Fah · Mon Nov 28, 2005 @ 11:30pm · 0 Comments |