I'm not afraid to speak my mind, and I don't care what people think about me or what they say about me. So if you have something to say to me, go tell it to someone to cares. I don't care.
Wow. Some bitches at school started a rumor that I was a junkie (druggie, der) and all my friends ditched me. I have 3 friends left. 1) Nikki 2) Lexxi 3) Aura Goddamnit, I'm so ******** pissed. Only 3 friends remaining is a major loss for me.
I wrapped one of their houses and i threw a fire cracker at the other two xD haha and everything with me and carter is fine now we settled the issue smile
dont deny da dino
You know he's da sex
Shiiko-chan13 Community Member
Wed May 06, 2009 @ 11:42pm
I JUST NOTICED SOMETHING THAT WAS REFLECTED TOWARD ME IN ONE OF YOUR STATEMENTS! THE "DRUGGIE, DER" PART!!! 'Cause I remember asking chu, "Whatz a junkie?" and then chu were like, "A druggie. Der." and now "der" ish our little inside joke thing...And what? Only three friendz? *snifflez* I'm your friend right? I'm a druggi--I mean a buddie! Lolz xDDD I swear I don't do drugz. Chu know I'm too pure. I didn't even know what a blow job was until someone told me a few weekz back. Sad, isn't it? BUT ICK! BLOW JOBZ SOUND DISGUSTING! Ahem. Sorry, that was random.