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Ellers wonderfulicitifical bog/journal of my o' so entertaining nonexistant life! if you want to know about me and my troubles... or maybe a little about my friends and family... then tune in dork! this is where you are gonna find the fun you crave... just give me a while to get the journal started hehe!

Community Member
Perfecto Luna (my new story!)
okay, time for some serious journalism right now

forcast: beautiful
Time of Day: So early in the morning... everyone is probably in REM sleep still.
Reason for posting?: the moon.

i was cleaning the kitchen just now (at 1:09 am lol) and in the corner of my eye i saw the most beautiful orange moon. it may have not been a full moon... but it was still so remarkably beautiful.

it got me thinking... i wanted to write another story. this time longer. so here's my new story/series. Perfecto Luna!

~~~~~~~~~~~Perfecto Luna (Perfect Moon)~~~~~~~~~~~~

it was night time again... most beautiful part of the day. i couldn't help but resist to go outside and see the night sky.

the moon hasn't risen yet so every planet that i could see was glittering like a fouth of july sparkler. there! jupiter!

glowing a slight blue and flikering in and out of existance.

it's amazing to think, every time we look into the stars, you're looking into the past. the nearest star is four hundred light years away. in other words. the star you are probably looking at, is from four hundred years ago. talk about ancestry, the stars are the oldest of us all.

so... when we look into the past... the past is looking into the future?... so confusing...

"it is," there was a strange, young voice coming from her left around the porch. i nearly flipped out and ran away screaming!

"what, are you doing?" odd. any other day she would skip the preliminaries and just go all ninja on the guy but the moment i looked at him, it was like time stopped. through the light of the kitchen i saw his eyes. they nearly glowed with intensity.

"just saw you here looking at the stars. i couldn't resist but to introduce myself. my name is Trifid," he held out his hand hesitantly and she got the feeling he was trying hard not to run. but why?

"intresting name," she said quickly as she headed for the door. but instead of her going inside like she planned, she stoped. she didn't know why. it was like she couldn't control her legs anymore. they weren't hers to control.

"and you are?" she looked back at him to see him slightly entertained. instantyly she felt fear. who are you?

as if he could read her mind he said,"your worst nightmare. the kind you have to get up and turn a light on. the kind you don't forget for days, months, even years. the kind that make you second guess everywhere you go. except," he laughed now,"you aren't going anywhere." im screwed, she thought.

"exactly. you are." and if she thought she was weirded out before, now she was just plain ol' going nuts! you can read my thoughts? she thought again.

when he nodded she then preceeded to yell in her thoughts. anything to stop this guy. whatever he was doing to maker her stop moving it was coming from the mind. it was strange that she even knew this.


SHUT UP, he thought. but it was no use. this was a one sided conversation and he wasn't going to win. somehow she knew that he was mentally weakend and she used it to her advantage and ran! ran like hell! DAMMIT! IM HUNGRY! DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE THIS HARD?! but of course. this wouldn't be dinner unless you had to go and fetch it yourself. time to crack the whip... i've clearly got a little lazy.

and so he ran. he ran like he never had before, because this chick was fast! so far he guessed where she was going. he could hear it in his head. public places! public places! what is public right now?! it's freaking MIDNIGHT! WHAT IS PUBLIC! WAIT, the bar! of course.


just as she reached main st. she took a sharp left, heading towards the local pub. when she arrived she didnt even slow down. lights are off. dammit! now what genius? and thats when she heard him again. not aloud but in her head.

why not try to give up? it hurts less if you dont resist.

thats what they all say, she thought sarcasticly. and then he stoped. both mentally and physically. she looked over her shoulder just in time to see him launch into full blown wolf action. it was like just before he hit the pavement there was this aura of pinkesh light and then he turned into a wolf. not a giant one like in Twilight but like the kind in Blood and Chocolate. it's not pink! it's RED! he thought loud enough that she could have sworn it was aloud.


this is dangerous! if she gets away she could tell everyone and put me in danger! the worst part is she's one too. she can read my mind just like i can read hers. that dam connection!

maybe she'll listen for once. STOP!

nope. she didnt even slow down. infact, i think she sped up. "NOT IN A THOUSAND YEARS!" she said aloud. this girl is getting on my last nerves.

maybe we can reason? "WE NEED TO TALK! NOW!" she laughed. of course. only she would find humor in this conversation. but she was laughing so much she was slowing down. we ran about two miles and when she decided to stop, it was to laugh. hard. just great. i'm dealing with a nutcase! she stoped laughing.

"i heard that!" but of course she did. OF COURSE YOU DID!

"Jesus! and do you even wonder why that is?" exasperated, i fell to the ground. so not only am i dealing with a nutcase, but im also stuck in wolf form, yelling at a girl(which is odd if anyone ever passed by and saw), and to make matters worse, my clothes are two miles away in the middle of the road probably jacked and in someone's nice, comfy, warm home.

"aww you poor baby! want to hear about my night? i got chased by a FREAKIN WEREWOLF AFTER LOOKING AT BEAUTIFUL STARS, TRIFID!" the last word, my name, was practically spit out. disgust. great.


back and forth the story goes. girl gets chased by stunningly beautiful boy that turns out to be the crazy, black wolf boy. my night is ending in a blaze. at least i can say that i faught.

"are you really going to kill me?" i couldn't help but hope that he would say something along the lines of, "no hun, i just wanted to run you out here to remind you to work out every now and then."

a small chuckle came from behind her, "no hun, i just wanted to run you out here to remind you to work out every now and then. you know, so you can run away faster so you have time to HIDE." i should have expected that. "you should have. now, are we going to talk?"

"i guess, if you're going to be a smartalike about it. would you like to go back and get your clothes first?" so i can run and get a car to accidentally run you over and turn you into animal control?

he got up now. and i mean, he got up. on two legs, hair gone except for his head and... i really do not want to go there.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" she was tired, she was so not in the mood to walk all the way back home, and now, she was thouroghly flushed out and embarassed to the highest level of... drowsyness. but of course he laughed. i think you are the only werewolf that i've met with a sense of humor like i do

aren't i the only werewolf you ever met?........ good point. but at least i know all those books were completely wrong about vampires and werewolfs.


she got up and took off her jacket and backed up to me. to be honest i was on the edge of hysteria. everything she has done tonight proves that i was wrong. good this she thought back before i killed her.

as i took the jacket she started to say something but stoped. for some reason i couldn't hear her thoughts. not even if i pryed.

ever think i'm an air head? was all i got when i tryed prying.

about thirty minutes later the moon was right above our heads. she told me to stay here while she got my clothes.. if they're still there. while she was gone i started to dose off, later caught in a dream, about her.

in the woods, away from this farm land, she was standing there on a fallen tree. behind her was a full moon shining brightly showing her animalistic features. her hair was full of twigs and she was restless, looking around tensing when she finally saw what she was waiting for, me. she jumped then, glowing bright white as she changed from human to something more. something animalistic, but now wolf.

"TRIFID! TRIFID!? WAKE UP!" she was standing infront of me, blushing. why? it took me a few seconds to realize i was still half naked. i quickly took the clothes from her as she started to turn.

"tried waking you up for about five minutes. you were twitching like crazy, man. and... i saw. i saw what you were dreaming. do you think-"

"No." she can't be. shouldn't be.


it was there. plain as day. i saw myself launch towards him. i saw myself change into, i think, a, a jaguar.

after he was done changing we started heading back to my house. he said the he wanted to let me sleep before trying to see what his dream ment. apparently, along with being psycic, he predicts. and although i like the whole jaguar part, i didn't like launching at Trifid.

he may have tried to kill me and all, but, i know one thing, i don't want to kill the only person who can help me now.

so that's how the night ended. he said goodnight to me at my door and told me he would be back by tomorrow's rising moon. just like tonight.

and thats when i had my dream. of him. the first of many to come. the first that gave me a grasp on who i was, and who i was going to become.

yay! listen in for more of this story! my first story thats not just short anymore! haha

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