I have no idea if that is how you spell it, but you get the idea. i just had my first towns party and it was fun while it lasted... a bit too late for me so I had to turn in... Now I'm doing homework, pulling an all-niter in the college library trying to balance Gaia in with homework... it's going well, but I hope it ends soon >_< I'm referinf to the homework, gaia can go on forever for all i care. Loving the forums, escpecially the ones in my current guilds. Now that i think about it, I'm involved in alot of guilds so far... lets see *opens an individual window* I"m in... *counting* 6 guilds, wow that's a lot for me to keep up with, especially since four of them are active rp guilds, well three are serious and the last one if just one random rp thing that we revived from summer camp. Either way I should get back to doing some homework...
-RajiLiger OUT!!!!-
►[b][color=red][size=18]Trial 2[/size][/color][/b]◄[/align]
[align=center]-The Tamers soon arrive at a doorway in their designated halls. Like the first door an angelic digimon stands in the way with a riddle for the tamers. Standing in the way of the Ancient Spirits is an Angemon and in the Royal Knights is a Piddomon. The Digimon speak at the same time as they see their victims advancing.
[color=pink][b]"HALT Tamers... to advance you must pass our riddle."[/b][/color] [color=skyblue][b]"HALT Tamers... to advance you must pass our riddle."[/b][/color]
The two digimon chuckle and bow, extending their staves in case their was a need to fight from unworthiness. The teams are in a thin corridor, traveling up a spiraling staircase that requires those that traverse to move in a straight line.
[color=skyblue][b]"Here is my riddle. Think through this carefully..."[/b][/color]
[color=pink][b]"Here is my riddle. Think through this carefully."[/b][/color]
[align=center][color=gold]╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝[/color] [/align] [align=center][img]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q103/toko-ya_mi/150px-VB_Emblem-1.png[/img][/align]
[align=center][i][color=gold][size=14]~Above all else seek knowledge, that you will be able to walk among the gods with wisdom beyond your wildest dreams...[/size][/color][/i][/align]
-InsertEgoHere- Liger · Tue Sep 29, 2009 @ 05:32am · 0 Comments |