Well, personal record.
I'm young. So it's easy for me to make personal records. I've not done a lot of things. And each time I do new things or reach a certain milestone, you COULD scoff and say "Hah, that doesn't mean anything!"
Only, in this case, it really does.
'Cause this personal record is aboot friendship. What's the longest you've had a dear friend? Not someone you've just periodically talked with and seen around. Someone who you've talked with and laughed with and occasionally cried through life with. Someone you've trusted through most, if not all of that time.
And trust is a big issue for me. "I don't know if I can completely trust anyone, that there is any one person who I can talk to and know they understand." <--The sentiment voiced there is somewhat true. No. 'Cause we're all different. But to be close in the ways we can be, and attempt to stay that way or grow closer in that or different ways.
Yarr. Digression. CHEERS to Jill. 'Cause... she's my longest time friend. Granted, there've been rough times. Sometimes when we don't talk as much as we could. But we're humans. So all in all, we've been friends. For two whole years. We've known eachother for three.
This is my personal record. People don't stay close to me for that long. She has. So. Yay.
Also, tip of the hat to friends who feel older than they are. People who are familiar to the soul. And cheers to all my other friends. Here's hoping we make it too. Especially notable names at this point? In no particular order, Sarah, Dacy, Monia, Yuki, and Jess. Old friends who I'd like to renew things with? Iris, Taleana, KT, Tom, Joshua, and Kyle. These are people I'd consider intimate. I have many more "friends", and I'd like to be friends with more of them. But heh. Baby steps, right?
Much love everyone. If your relationship doesn't -quite- fall under my close friendship category? Eh. We have all the time in the world. And while I'm a pain to get ahold of and hang onto, I try. biggrin So if you try, who knows.
Maybe someday it will be a world record.
Or a world something.
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