YAY!!!! my mom just handed me the application I've been waiting for... my mom says a grocery store is a good place to start out working... it's better than a fast food place or a gas station in my opinion.. less danger and better hours and stuff... I hope I get the job ^^
I've decided to break up with my bf, I'll do it soon.. he pays no attention to me axcept sometimes at lunch.. my friend charli even talked to him and warned him that he could loose me.. it took him forever to even walk over to where I was. I don't know if it's because he doesn't like me or he's just not ready for a relationship, but it's annoying, I can't stand it. I don't like changing people, so I won't try and change him, I'll just have to let him go.
I'm eating oranges^^
I really want my sarah to visit durring the summer.... it's be fun... I really like she wants revenge and death capm for cuties now... I so need the cd's...
I think I'm going to go ride my bike soon... I need to clear my head...
I got a call from char on friday, she sounded sad so I was worried, I got on my bike and rode fast.. I was wearing my baggy torn up pants and one of the loops got caught in the pedal thingie.. I tried to ease down so that I could undo it, but it was too tight and I fell... My knee hurts now... stare it's all scraped up and scabby... kinda funny though... lol
um... got some new manga books again... went to the library on saturday so that I could get books for my u.s. history class paper thing.. erg..
shadow never seen · Sun Jan 15, 2006 @ 11:48pm · 0 Comments |