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Hello my dear. How are you today? stare That's good.
Anyways.... I'M SUPER EXITED!!! I got VOTED, yes, voted to become a director for a One-Act play.
Yes, it's only for a grade.
And yes, 3 other people became directors as well. BUT!
I am directing The Great Pandemonium! My junior high did it last year and i was a small part, this time I am in charge.
I Feel The POWER!!
I've also Co-directed 3 other plays with my fantasticly talented friend Tristan. I miss her.
Yesterday i got the cast down and today we read through together. *sigh* My drama class is drastically void of men, so i had to cast 3 girls as guys, ah... the POWER! But, seriously these chicks need to man up!
This performance is going to get me in Advanced Drama!
I am happy now. Go TEAM!