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Journaling and stuff I buy
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being bullied by a mod and a friend of one
What Went down at my coffee shop last night
wow... ok listen to this guys... one of my gaia kids.. Kain.. well, he entered some avi contest for formal dress... and i guess he didn't read carefully enough and missed the no advertising rule..well, he dropped by my coffee shop where a lot of our gang hangs out... and asked people to vote... ok. well, when he comes back next time, this velcon dude follows him.. and is bashing him for violating a rule and calling him names like a cheater and liar and stuff... and he is obviously trolling = trying to incite flames or whatever... so, my other daughter astraea went to defend kain and told this dude to get the hell out of our shop like three times.. then when he wouldn't go.. she called him a b*****d. oh. so for that, i guess he's friends with the mod named Calluna... and he goes and gets her to get a petty piece of s**t revenge on Astraea and has Calluna put a post block on her account.... i mean. and then.. they come back to the thread and this Velcon is going on about how kain made a thread to advertise.. exqueeze me baking powder? Scphincter boy says what? i mean... that is my shop for the last.. oh... 1300 pages.... i don't think he made that thread to advertise. stare someone is just being a sore loser. and then Calluna comes into the thread threatening to trash it because "it's become nothing but a flame war." Which was a lie! They were upset at this dude for coming in and starting s**t... oh, and the people who were at my place minding their own business are the ones to blame? WTF! so, i went and paged mrs. lluvia maya.. cuz she's like the best damn mod in this whole place. She rocks my world... anyways... so, i went to her about it. she didn't take off the ban.. i guess that must be some kind of agreement the mods have... to not remove punishments put forth unless a mod goes too far as for like total account banning or someting... anyways... lluvia took care of it... but it was just like... omg. that boy and that mod just came in totally trying to bully us around. WTF is up with that? that is crap. Mods shouldn't be allowed to do that... and when astraea's real life sister who is my gaia neice tried to pm some other purple mods.. they just told her it wasn't a big deal for htem to worry about.... surprised freaking pisses me the hell off... i'm copying all this and posting it in my journal and at the parents guild. cuz it just sucks major bumpkiss... thank goodness lluvia was on...

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Mon Nov 29, 2004 @ 06:09am

    ;_; Sorry for starting a ruckus, Grace.

    Community Member

    Wed Dec 01, 2004 @ 01:07am

    That was so mean!! (What the mod did)
    I wished I was there to help you guys...

    User Comments: [2]