The Tale of Alan White Pt. I |
So in World of Darkness i'm playing a white male that's proficient in social situations, and when I say proficient I mean he's above average because I gave him this merit(feat) that gives him a better chance when it comes to doing presence checks. Anywho, it's a apocalypse survival table top game, and it's got everything. Things off from Command & Conqure (Tiberium) and Left 4 Dead two materials. It's rather awesome, the whole place is a large wasteland of New York and we're just trying to survive in this Apocalyptic world.
There is raiders, Tiberium mutants, Tiberium itself, zombies (the stumbling type), the special infected zombies (all of them, even some new ones), starvation, and a fellow named Frank we have to deal with in this setting.
Enough explaining about the game, I want to tell what we did in the game! We were in two groups, my character and my friends character Alex, who was like uhh.. Sniper Wolf in Metal Gear Solid(didn't even know there was a character) and he had a trait that allowed him to communicate easily with animals. We go to a warehouse that has no direct openning, and we use his character's pet, Waffles, a dog, to sniff out a possible entrance. It was the god damn sewers. My character has a good sense of direction so he leads Alex to the sewers right below the warehouse and ahh. It's barred off. We shoot at the lock several times but it doesn't work. So now we sorta give up there.. And than Alex tells me he has a swiss army knife and a multitool item. Which allows me to lockpick at this damn gated area, and as a trained criminal of sorts I get through the gate. We go up steps, find a metallic door that slides open.. Step through and it's dark.
My character is colorblind and he had nightvision goggles, Alex had a flash light. We traded because I can't see worth a damn with Nightvision goggles. Anywho I saw orb up in the air, only I could see them, not Alex. We also heard muttering, rather annoying muttering but nothing was happening. We also saw four bodies on the floor with guns on them. We step inside the warehouse, look around.. And nothing happens immediately. So Alex starts to agitate the noise. The noise speaks to him, saying go away, then responding to 'who are you' it says I kill you. Now those orbs I saw?
Yeah they were spirits, they went into the bodies and the bodies lifted up from the ground animated like zombies. Two of us with guns, four of them. They take Alex down and I run the ******** out of the room.
Alex dies, I live with barely any health boxes.
Leonardo Winter · Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 08:04pm · 0 Comments |