OMG!!! I DID THIS THEN I PRESSED ENTER BY MISTAKE AND IT ALL GOT ERASED!!! DANG! DANG! DANG!-cries- crying Im so pissed right now cause i wrote so much. Anyway..(I really dont feel like typing this s**t over..but I WILL!
Here goes the messed up s**t again..
Today about a few hours ago Im on gaia chilling at Ocean View Cruise with my workers then they all leave me and im bored. Then im like, damn and everything else on gaia seemed pretty boring so i was surfing and listening to L'Arc~en~Ciel till the damn internet cutts me off!! And i get pissed by that too cause i was looking at pics for Orange Range.
Then all of a sudden i remember i dont have many hyde pictures and i love him so much!! His lips looks so kissable i want to..wait.(not suitable for the general public) So, im looking for hyde pictures on google and for once, I actually find good pictures!! So im looking at the pictures, but my damn computer wont save them cause of the file its got and im even more pissed for that.
heart HYDE IS SO SEXY! I WANNA GO TO ONE OF HIS CONCERTS heart Im going to be like my daughter, FallenAngel18 (gaian daughter) who posts pictures of Davey Havok! So..I'll put pictures of Hyde here too.
 This is L'Arc~en~Ciel. (Reading right to left) Tetsu(bass), Hyde heart (vocals), Ken(guitar) and Yukihiro(his hair is so very long now! he's been growing it for 3 years when the band broke up in 2000 i think..not sure)..anyway..he does the drums.
He's so sexy right here. If only i was there with him!!

Right here, he looks so confused yet so very sexy! heart

Its very hard choosing the pics cause he looks sexy in all of them! So..heres another one i love.
heart damn sexy! Im just gonna show pics now cause i dont feel like typing!

I suppose this is his inner self. I love it heart Im beginnning to think i need to put all of em..but thats alot of space! whee eek xp domokun oh well

-sings- He's too sexy for my shirt. Too sexy for my clothes. Too

I want you too! Theres another one, but i dont want to put so many pictures. the way, All this stuff about my wanna do things to Hyde are just my little dreams and dont really mean anything. So dont take it seriously. I got the pictures from google i believe. You the buttom when you clicka picture it shows the site where it came from.
RaineRikuku · Wed Sep 29, 2004 @ 04:16am · 6 Comments |