love, they say love makes things better, but how can that be? it just makes more pain.
they say love changes the world for the better, but all love gives us is a world of war and death.
they say love makes the world go round, but what happens when love dies? does the world stop?
they say when someone close gives you pain it means they love you, but if they give you pain, how is that love?
they say tough love is the best love, but love gives you pain, why would you want it to be tough?
they say if you get though all that pain and suffering then you are truly loved. then so be it.
This is an old poem I believe I wrote in '07. I posted it on a very good friends comments on 03/26/2007 5:54 pm.
FuddyTeddy · Thu Jan 21, 2010 @ 10:17pm · 2 Comments |