Another shitty day of the shitty 1st grading of my shitty sophomore life. Nothing special happened, only a few of those cruddy everyday school fees for notes,activities,etc., a cancelled taping for our video clip project in TLE and the daily manga/anime gossip. The only good news is that tomorrow is Friday. And Friday means only one class and tomorrow is special because of some nutrition month program. I joined for the on-the-spot poster making contest. I'll probably end up slathering someone's uniform with poster paint. Other than that, my life is insanely boOOoooRriiIIInnnNNGGgg~!!! Oh well, life's like that. You know what they say, you gotta squeeze the lemons first before drinking the lemon juice...or you could just buy one in a supermarket along with cookies, a box of Count Chocula and a free coupon for a cruddy movie you have to watch alone. Anyways, I'll write as soon as I can find something good to write about. Wonder when I'll get to witness some excitement.
heart ~Anya Lavendear~ heart
~The Art of Death~